ooo —— ——— a ij — o —-— tea Ed So now do we use the above results to represent these numbers in the computer? Hell, firstiy we PI » —i,25x10 1.0x107 or or. so NOW sk 10 »IšaL -11901, z7y! -1.1001, x2? vmmkem 1010, O.O00O01100 101 [(0.1905090000060659 101 110 101 1000 11: 9.1, » 0.0001100, 101 ) 2 i.1001190 x Z reserve 4 bytes of storage for 2acn real in the following format: - normaliised marctis53 s» "a J sign; normalised mantissa: exzoanent: Thus; LI .. onm-i TJ osn o —nČmOoOo 1100119 t 9 E e::porer:t the sign of the mant:ssa; | s negative, Č z 20s1t5v8, the mant:ssa normalised to the rgrzl ——o »MIŽIII witn the top b:t (bit Z2) always i excest when representng zero (HLzO, DE:0). the expcnen: in binary Z's complement "rm, 1000000 (06"'3;0990 1000000 000600000 1100100 00000002 61100116 00000000 00000020 96000000 01100110 48 00000001 CS000600 00000011 11111100 (£40,£20,£02.20:) (ZZ4.£00,:510.£C5) (266, ZO61ŽODsEČL) when normasiused. 9.2 z 161, at this pcipt we sev that tce fraction recurs —- data Hi bit reo.ster PESO", t PRA PRIB aš AGE .-om we need to do some binary long divisloj...