apa anodo imi Ve o tena obodnih si x on teči ie lata sn ao AZFT urea es. NA odn v mo mne 4 NOM mmm nn, mem za a mea ve hi poi nana po milje» [ Sešt m set AE AA H H Tne following disoussion details how data 1s rezresentec internally dy Hisort Pascal z, The infarmation on tne amount of storage recuired in each case shouid be of vse tz --;-: programmers (tne SIZE function may be used see Section other detalis may de nevic: onih those attemoting to merge Pascal and Mac'une code programs. .. ' Integers ccrupy 2 bytes of "mne each, in 2's omplement form, Examples: bj £E0001 Lo £0100 i- £FF09 ; U 1 MI wow oo The standard 280 register used dy the compiler to hold integers is BL. i PARE These oczupy | byte of storage each, 10 sure, unsigoed binary, Characters: S bit, extended ASCII is used, E: 2 32085 oz < 253 er m ano RD ooo nn ZJU ŽA ie keš Bocieans: : ORDITRUDISI1 so.TRVE 1s represented 2y |, ee CRD(FALSE!z O so FALSE is regrasenta byl. H The standard 2190 register used Dy the compiler fer trte adove is k A 7.1.3 Vailc, The (manitissa, exzcnent) form 15 used similar TO that usad in staal st Slani. >Otatiit - zali USiag Šitdry msteac or denary. Exarrles! . v 2: 210 or ia, e 2 PN TAJ NE JE ON NANJ a O MN m Pn ui VZ 1610" or 1.0,« 2" 47 ;