AZi -eme .) mom m sma opebaje GRE kjejo Numder too large. Semi-colon exsected. Undeclared identifier, Identifier expected, Use 'x' not 'ia' in a constant declaratuon, 'z' expected, Ttis identifier cannot begin a statement. "iz' exzected, 'Y expected. Wrong type, ',' expected. Factor ercected, Constant expected, This identifier is not a monstant. "TREN' eroectede povej exoected. "VO' or ZOHNTO"' expected. '' expected, Cannot write tnis type of expression. 'CF' expected, ; ', erzected. V "V exDnec:ed, BROOEAM' erDetted. Variadie exDecteg since parameter i$ a variable parameter. SEO. erpecimi. Variable expected 1 call te READ, Č Daavet CZMparB PIDressicnas of tis type. Should se eitter type INTICER or type REAL, Cannot read tnis type of var: ole. This icentifier 7s not a type. Exponent ernecteč m real number. Zcalar exzressionv (not numer:c) erzected. Noli strings not ziiowed (use CIER0Ih 'U exvertted. ']' excemad, Array inčex ma must že scalar, !nu" expected Sre, pada in ARRAT declaratica. LOowerzceno greater than uroertouna. fet toc large mere than 25 vessižle elements), Fensti£a resuit Must ze type icentif:er. tp Or "]' ezgečedin set. tv." Or ',' Or ')' expecčed in set, Type of parameter must dead type icentifier, sesa set cannot be the first fatorina RENT ASSIJNMENT statement. Scalar (including real) exzecteg. Šcalar (nat including real; expected. Sets inezmzatible, K" anc' "cannot be usec to comgare sets. FORKNAF ARO', 'LADEL', 'CONST, 'VAR', "— VP2' Cr "BIEGIN' erpectea. NR RS. Z TE ae oa ae zle — 43 ln a vi na dka Ci 5 mo; o mano vno sa alk lokal ema agar vee cami 6 oe tos ea ome 1, one z ea