ei iza ne dka kina ni z —— zase DA ad saao o 4 SE - te RETRO o zhe To put all this right we can proceed as follows: F60,200,Number,Numbers and then use the sub-command 'S' repeatedly. E10 then tne oGevonco X ; RETURN RETURN z20 then KC 1 RETURN RETURN. F100,100,Size,Size-1 followed by the sub-comnand 'S'. M110,95 « ; 110 followed dy RETURN, E190 then X DELETE RETURN RETURN 45 Noswaps : BOOLSAN; » N10,10 to renumber in steps of 10, M You are strongly recommended to work through the asove exangle a—valiy using the editor - you may find ita little oumsersoma at first.if you have Dpen vsec to srecen editors Dut it should not take long to adapt. oo — Lo —— o a o o o m anetaavsucoke A o a nn 42 k AE aaa near deoe A a Mi