sš Ml aaa le GE MNe use oč tte DI, Let vs assume that you have typed in the following program (using 119,108 10 FROGRAM EUSELESORT 20 CONST 30 Size »: 2000; 40 VAR . 56 Numbers 3 ARRAY C1.,.Size) OF INTEGER; 60 I, Temp : INTEGER; . 70 EEGIN 89 FOR I:5sl TO Size DO NumberlIJ :a RANDOM; s0 REPEAT 100 FOR I:zil TO Size 00 1:0 Nosuaps z TRUE;, 120 IF Number CIJ > Number CI:1] THEN 130 EEGIN 130 Temp žil: NnmberlIJ; 150 NuaDer[IJ :2 NumberCIr1i]; B 169 NumoerLI?:1J) 32 Temp; s 170 Noswaps :a FALSE 180 END 3 190 UNTIL Noswapss 200 ENO. š opij Tnis program has a number of errors whuch are as follows; .. Line i0 Missiag semi-crion. . Line Z0 Not reslly an err9r Dut say we want a size of 100. Line 190 Size stould te Sire-l. Line i10 This sn2ulc de at hne 95 instead, oline 190 NoswaDss stovic De Noswaps. o a O a JA NA DAR EN AN A a o o ea on o hiso the varzašle Numbers has Deem Geciaref but al! references are to N.mčer. Tinaly tre BOTLEAN variable NOS«waDS has not seen ceclared. 41