- €; oe sm masti" n.m ene AR SARE NAAJJNJ oo oi de Mak... zuna o dite se o. ma a Slogan skrije! The previcusly comgiled odject code will be exezuteg, dut oftiy 1f the source has not Den exzarcez in the meantime - see Section 0.2 for more detail, ernand: Tn This is the 'T'ranslate command. The ovrrent source is compiled from line n (or črcr the start 1f n is omitted) and, if the cempilation is successčul, you will be prompted with 'Dk?": 1f you answer 'T' ' to tnis prompt then the object code produced by the compilatizn will De movec to the ena or tte "untimes (cdestroying the som iler) and then the runtines and tne cajec: ? CO£e w:i. DE JuTrež ov? to tase with a filenamne egual to tnat previously defined for the 'find' string. YCu May tDer., št a later stage, lcad this file into memory, using the HPET loader, wherevpon it wili automatizally ezeč.: tne oo pi program. Note tnat the odjec' code :s located at and movec to the ec C" tne run times sa that, after a 'T'ranslate you will need to reload the compiler - however this stoylč prese no prozlems since you are only likely to 'T'ranslate a program whent is fuliy worunga 'IF ycu decde not to continue with the dump to tape then simply type any Character cther tt.an 'U' s tne 'Ok"' premst; control is returned to the editor which will stiil function perrectly sance tne G2ject code was not moved, . Čoemnanc: 9 Tnis simoly returns contrel to the operating system. For Geta.:s uf how to re—-enter the CIMTILer refer to the EPST Alteration Guzde anc your Implementanjon Note, o A a mo on RememJer tna? text is held in memory in a toxenisec form with leajing sdacev s"orteoeč into a zre araster TDount and all HP47 Reserved Worcs rezucec TO a Cne:znarisre" tokem. Hi2ecv»er if jev vzve somehow got some text in memory, pernaps ŠrOT. aacTne" EciTIr, »TuTD 1£ 037 ižaeniše: ihe" Cu ca" use the 'O' czmmand to tokenise it for you, TEIT is reac 2030 u Duf?zy ut at eulam čed favsa -z tner put back into the rije in a tokenisec form. tnis may Of ure. TAa£ a iiTiB tune IT nerform. A hne range must be sgecrjed, or tne previci:sly enterev valu2t wili Ze asSe.ned. zr ;1: m1 ni (smaane, 5,4 Tris znrant alliws vVOU T2 lnance tte del.miter a VON rs tahe" as se z/s zzmuasz lane, Čn entr; to tne BCITIT ite TDmia ,' If Laadi ds Te Ci,1TnTe?! Dhir (Maj De Chen ged bj tne use of the 'S' commanc tos tne first Caracter C? the Spe5fiez st"iny Z. Ber: : have zečinec a new delumiter ji? must be used seven within trte '3' Crmmaf 2] until aRITTMe: I.E 1S szemfied. Note that the separator may not be a space, 20 Z PIA ajo