NO AE, Upa the duĹĄfer while the use of CI tezntvĹži fur ..iÄn, wi. ac vari? Position, inserting spaces, ÂŤ tmis advances the pointer tc the enc of the l:ne anÄ autonaticaiiy enters t-Âť st. Ba SuD-mode cetailed above, e hange sub-moce. This allows you to overwrite the Charamter at tte murrent t:.--.. eri and then advances the pointer Dy one. You remajf 10 t.e crange. Bud MIJE AO v press RETURN whence you are taken back to the Edit moce with the pcinter positionec aÄter the last cnaracter you changed. DELITE (or SACESPAÄE) witun tus suo-mcce Stil y decrements the pointer by one i.e, moves it left whĹĄe CZ has no efrect, 4.0.4 Vaze Ornmminiz, Tex may De savec to tape or loaded from tape using the comnands "P" and 'G': nmand: Dn,n by the string s. Fememder that these argunents may have been set Dy a zrevicus tar. sani Zet2: ââ. sm sa m ua eo entering this command make sure that your tape reCorder 18 switchec on and m IEZCIĹ˝L moce. While tne text is Denny saved the message '5usy..' is displayed, : UDE k v S Command: 6,,5 ; ĹĄ Ĺž The tape is searched for a file in SPST tape format and with.a filename of s. the message, ,'3Usy..' will De alsplayed. If a vas EF) tape file :s teuni uÄ Fis the wrcng filename then the message 'Founc' followed Dy tne- Vilenamne ttat was Ĺ nuyne JA tne tar is disolajecd anc tne search connnued. Änce tne zorrect filenarne 1s fovnc then Tu.-i' sil izde on the list device and tne file will be icaded into mnemory. error is cetecteg z.oring tne izid then 'Checksum error' is shown and the load aDorted, If this hazgens vou Must rewlni toe laĹže. press PLAY and type 'G' again. If trte string s is emsty then tne first HP4T file on the tape will] de lcazed, regarc.ess zj it> filename. Mile searsnag of the scing on zov m prt. zadi ia RINE. ZE. R9w2) tis mit inzerrugt the | load sod retum to trte mam editor . seli a Note that if any textfile is alrcady present them the texzfile ttat is icilx from tape ee ts 9 ME dzoanÄes fo Tre tre enstug file ĹĄna tne vdole file will te renofbavec s tarwno sitt zne . m steps if a: Ceamnit ino ore Kodi uamre zam ema Tar bav Comnanj: Sn his Causes 'te text starting at line aumber n to be comgiled, IÂŁ soÄ de cet szrD7y, a he ".T2i" then tne text will de tompileg freza tne first existing line. For furttar c-.ails ses Desnan l.I.