in tnis mede a posnter is imasined moving throug". tne ne istarting at the first Iheralle" ai varidut Sub-commands are suprortec whiCh aljow you tc ezit tne line. 7DE SLI-ODTNATCS alpi . kaši ace) - increment tne text pointer by one 1.8, point to tne nez: character in the .:ne. You mat step beyond tne end of the line. k sorroai BACXSPACE) - decrement the text pointer by one to point at tne prev:0us acter in the line. You cannot step backwaros beyond the first charazter mn tne line. stim CI teontrel function) - step tne text pcinter forwards to the nezi taž pOS:::27) SU! čo! beyond tne ena of the line, Ma end the edit of this line keeping all the changes made. š fha žit. igaorang all tne changes mice and leaving pon x gro as it was defore the edit was snitiate3. ; čbe bne as it was berore kh videni Mla poo pa the text i.e. forget al! changes mace cn.tnis izne and -—— the line as it was origanally« z.Jdist est of tne line being edited i.e. tne remajader oč the hne Deycic the zurrent pointer position, Yov reman in the Edit mace. dese the. gcinter re-posjiicnec at. tne start of tne tne line, gi kill (delete) the character at the current polmter positičn, A Z - delete £haracters from land insiozingi the orrent pointer position to tie 206 27 ine, oa Ma dih sd -om o —m am Na ro TI — k TET o SR NOT Au zm AT iiz ine 5 the ODprmand štove). This sut-corirant Wii ačEMatitaliy azij fle:eJit o. --2 ez s či | mene ein TM TNATJes) ifitrdces not BNd-anctne!Olzsrrečis 2? [ne M5 in the current line. IE an. ocrurrence O" t-2 '7.mU' strla; BE CeTPDTIT 1h 8 $.2-"TIL-ET ..- | (wzthn tne previcusly specfied line range' rter tne Edit mode will le 2n'sjst for tDe. oč? | in whizh tne string is favac, Note tnat the TEXT zOiNter :S diways 209171272 al tne SI- TOI" a | %ne line after a successful searsh. ne - substitute the previously dečined 'suž sti tute' string $pr tte crren'!. rcimne mn" -tti. of tre 'find" striag and tnen perform tne suz-irmmand F ad Sčaroi 9% sex Dm CA of the 'fine' struj. This, tocetner witl. toe arzve 'F' SUT-TDNMAJ2,.1£ LISI IT STEI O IOUI.J seči a pie .-e toytč.ie Cp nzaH ily regia ng Cer por zs pad » ne '' string Miti v nE xa. - sce Šeriza 2.7 for an examrie, ss Tmnortant Notpee In the oyrrent versicn sč HFŠT There 1s š known Zu; 10 Me Crtr ln s? te sub-rzmnand 'S' - tms sud -tomrmanc stčid Cniy že usec unm2ežiajel. ata zoo Commane, an T' sud-oDmmand or an 'S' se.2-T2mNano. la practice tris snoLil 2ziz IČ prožlems. osition. YOu will remarr. in za: unti - this wiil returr you ne man Ze moče »«ih positionet after the las .haraster that »?2U »nser ide Using sekalca zi ie! z within rus sud -mode will the naršč-er to tne lečt of the pointer ta sa bi ze se .. ŽI mam S $.: zse < . -. .- -e—- ae za zene Muni pozen ei let ki . ze oe au no ro a AE AE NI avo vorni ERA VS RI DE IRENA Va "REN ANS.