RE, S s mo A DRE Sana. USEZAULIC I- Oztign Pi If the P cptson is used the device to which tne Czmotianon Usting is sent is ČačjeG ve. if vo video screen was being used the printer is used and vice versa, Note tnat ttus CPRTON :s set foildwed Dy a 'e' or '-', DEFAULT: The video so'een is used. 9» LJ This ogtign letter must be followed t and then an elg ht Ctsraster filenamg. If tne fllonama has less tnan eignt characrers it should be padded with spaces, The presence of this option cavses inclusi rrent ljne - Duzid uz a Uubrary' NUOrusec procedures and functions on tape and then dnelude them in particular programs, PON ae o Z DR Ti ZL ej x oo naiicih a Nak somi se o The zrogram snovld be saved using the built-in editor's "P" ommand. Or mest systems ke list option L- should be vsed - otherwise the compiler will nat compile fast ensugh, "——-—— Example' (SL-,F MATRIX include the text from a tape file MATRIX); . When writing very large programs there may not be encugh room in the mmourter's memory rer tne Source and o2dject code to be present at tne sane tune. It 13, however posszie 19 Drale sum programa dy saving.them to tage and: ODUIIM, gniy 123 dytes of tne scurce area Zani at any one time, leaving much more rcom far the object code. č This option may not be nested and is nat implemented in sne 2X Spectrum version, M poo aaa a > neza PON OO EN O om The mzmpiler ognions may be used selectively, Thus debugges sectens ar rade May ze zdeecec up .--A5$ oDmpacted dy turmng the relevant checks oči whlst. FetaNiag Mecis cl upTeslec tu 2rsof Cde, icfied file irem tte MERO oe pompa oe, MSP ni a ona > o PEPA VENO poj V NP ONE m ea s ena ad