O dona: Maja anni a 8d MNE no sie z vo sie emi — mes am (3 Controls whether or not keyboard checks are made Guring OD)ect Cose program erecutien. If Ce tnen if CC is pressed then erecstion will return to with a HALT MESSaiSe - see Section This Check is made at the beginning of all loops, procedures and functions. Thus the user May use this faglity to detect which loop etc. is not termnating correctiy suning the ČeDUGGIng zroopss. IT should certaanly be disabled 1f you wisn the object program to run Guckiy, If C- then the above check is not made, LEFAVLE Ce ba n . Controls whether or not stack shecks are made, | - ' poči K 4 | IF Se then, at the beginning of each procedure and function call,a Check 15 made to see ič the staza will prsžativ overflow in this dicck, If the runnime stack overflows the dynamic varadie neas zr tne program then the message 'Ovut of RAM at PC:XXXX' is idisolayed and erecuticn azorres. Natvrally this is not fooloroof; 1f a procedure has a larze amount af Stark usage within itseičt: tne program may 'crash'. Alternatively, 1f a funcnon oontans very little stas« usage wtule UTSSI$G recursion tnen it is possible for tne function to be haltes unnecessarily. . li I" S- then no stack checks are performed, DEFAULT: Se « V, PREN RO ON Ep, pre avbe mm om ng oba gani ag laj sipa oče m Ze MP ma zo oo ne Aa aje ooo Cation A: : o ——Controls whether cnecks are made to ensure that arrvay indi-es are wittunoTne DOUNISTSDPITIMITTTT the array's declaration, TF A» and an arvay index is too high'or toc low then tne Messz:e TZajax toe hišro ur Irceč Ro ; low" wiji be disolayed and tne program executien halted. ce "a, J.P OEEO A BER a If A- then no such cecdks are mace, DETAV.T: A? -- Dasi mm Poro Tea : when using 18 bit 2's comalement integer arzt'netic, 2verflow 2enyrs we ze-orrurz a >, C, )5. cr Ce coperabon if tne arguments differ Dy more tnan MAXZNT (STTSTI. 1f tus 1izurs then ste result or the com2arison will be inorrect. Tris wil! not normally zresect anv o dv fizolt. s! nowever. sncule the user wish to compare such numbers, the use of ]" enseres trta: tne results 2f tne omvarison will De correct, The eguivalent situation May arise with real arirnmetic in wnio" Lise ar, cverfiow error wil] De issued 1f tne arguments cifrer Dy more than aogrzurately 3.158 | ta. annOot be avoided, ; IF I- then no check for the result of tne above cpmparisons :s made. pa xg 32 IE a PORN ONO UNI (pe AN PREO VN le m a oe MS a a