»O« ni 50 Nagrrna STO—ONI toamamo zan amn at s a S ni MI. NS, 2.1 Comments, A comment na oczur between any two reserved wOrds, MsmoDers, icentifiers or srecali svmocis-- see Aopencix 2. A comment starts with a '(' character or tne '(e ' znararzer zar. Unjess tne am character isa ss: ali characters are ignored until tne next D' character or 'e)' marazer 2ar. li JA 5" was found then the comgiler looks for a series of compiler options (see 2elow) after wi? Characters are skipped until a ? or 'e)' is found. —so "m. mms, ») Cerriler i š ; The syntax for specifying camgiler options is! m, nasa rabami, NE et pih do? cij evo ANJA Ml 6d o k 4. : ii | pa The following cptions are available; š J Oanen L: Controls the listing of the program text and obyect code aniress dy the omoiler. If Le then a full listing iš given, If L- tnen lines are only listes when an error iš detected. | DEFAULE Le pššen O? s Controls whether certain NPR Clecks are mace. Integer multigiy and cimude ansc all redi Si s |. arithmetic operations are always checked for overflow« ' IF O» then checks are made on integer additton and sudtracnon, IF O- then tne above chtecks are not made. t H f Ki f H ; . H EFAULT: O»