the rosult type or the functian. PEZX is used to retrieve data from the memory af the comeuter, ans "ne res." may če of any type. In all PEEX and POKE (the cososite of PIZX) ogeranjons data :s noved a Hisoft Pascal 4's own internal representation deraiiec :n MDDeENIIZ Že . example; 1f tne memory from £ 5000 onwarzs czntamis tne values: SO si 73:12 61 6C lin hexademmal) then: RITEPEEEUSOOČNARI gives "P WRITE(PSEK(25000,INTZGER) gives 24912 MRITEPEER(SO00, REAL) gives 246DT2e2? see Appendix 3 for more details on tne representation of types witnia Zisift Pascal 4, STEV) | - - The parameter of this function is a vaniacle. TM integer rescit is the ase | of storage taken up by that varzačie, m bytes. š INPP) . INP is vsed tu access the :90'$ ocrts directly without using: tne 2rocecure DUTNE, The value of the integer zarameter ? 1s ioaz x into be IC res:.ster and the character result of the func:ion is obtained dy izecsting tre asserDiy language ustructton IN A,iC), o o a A Ooo OJ a TE ONO ai PRA sono ke ea bnjšš k