lm or dm anti le... m a. "MR ea z zala anni ae. A k klasi nudeo Furtter Predečined F unejons, 2.34.) RANDOM Tus returns a psevdo-random numder between 0 and 25% inclusive. šltnough this routine is very fast it gives poor resvits when used repeateciy win loops that do not mntann I/O operations, IF the user reguires better results than ts function yields then he, she should wnite a routine (gither in Pascal or macune code) tazlzrec o tne partiaslar applicanon, Z 3ŽAAŽ SUCCIX id y X may be of any scalar type except real and SUCC(X) returns the sučuestsr o? X. Examyles? SUCC(CA") returns "B' SUCC('5) returns '6' 4 ! PREDIX) ii X may be of any scalar type except real; the result of tne functim is the precdecessor of X, Examslesi PRED('j') returns 'i' PREZUTEVE?! returns FALSE ni - X must be cf type integer. ODD returns a Boolean result wnich is TETE: X is odd and FALST if X is even, This function takes a varzable identičier of anv tyce as a sararusto- izz returns an integer result which :s the memory azzress o? tne vniriaz.e identifier V, For informanen on how variables are nelc, at nunurne. w:: m. Hisoft Pascal 4 see appendix 3. For an example of tne use of ZDI sse Appendix 4. 2.3.07 PIEK(X, ID The first parameter cf "ms function iš 0f tYDe integer and .s used tz spReOivo a memory addresscisee Secnon The seconc argument 1s a type; tis is 28