! i H i h v Dao TCUT NAME,STARI SKTE. TIN (NAME,START) OVTCP,O) TOUT is the procedure mnieh 1$ Lag 72 save varlajie« cn taoe. Tre j, - parameter is or type 87RAY[:.3l —. ZJAR 3Ad 1 tte nane oč tre rili: "5 p. saved. SIZE bytes of memory ae Gumzed starting af tte acaress 5TANU. 5.th these parameters are of type INTECIR, E.g. to save the variable V to tape under the name "VAR 8O'use: TOUT(VAR 'ADDR(VILSIZE(VI The use of actual memory addresses gives the user far more flenitlity tan just the ability to save arrays. For eramole 1f a system has a mers', nico se seen, entire screenfuls may be saveu directly. See ADpensia $ far m example of the use of TOUT. This procedure is used to load, from tape, variaoles etc, that nave cebn savza using TCUT. NAME is of type ARRAY(1.8] of CZAR and STANT is cf t,o INTEGER, The tape 13 searcned for a file called NAME wfiist is tnen l0acec at memory address START, Uw number of bytes to load is ta«en from tne tape (saved on the tage by TOVT, E.g. to load the variable gaved in tne examole iv Secricn adove use! TDUVAR 'ADDR(VI Becavse sourcyu files are recorded Dy 1ne editIr.usiag tro sane farna as "Nit. used by TIN and TOUT, TIM may te .used TI iGa3 Text fi.2s iztz ARRAYfs "ČO CHAR for processing isee the EPST Alterinon O..ce:. Se? Appendix 4 for an eramsle of the.vuse of ra % O a O O A o A EJ NA EN o A m a o o oman, A ea This procedure is: used to directly imz2zr; the ZE < ovtvut pis —ifhout usta 1 the procedure DULINE. The valum sš tre iateger piro dratis P je ioašed in ») ne SC registe", tne sharactar parameter O i£ začet ii t.e A tegi str nad tte assem2ly instruensa 'CUT (ChA :s 2xecstet, E.g. DUTVI, A" Gutputs me daraster 'A' tz tna ZO peri. | | | | | |