VSER(V) — Tne routine zabeg shovld fimish with a Tnis 7recedure frees space on the neaJz tor use »' uynamiz vamazies. TD0 state of tne neap is restored to ite state wnen Mnijki, 1) vas Bxac.ted - TMS effectively destroying all oynamc variables create »INCe tne execsucni or tne MARK procedure, As 5ucb jt snouli pe set mnih ur nat sam, " See above and Appendix $ for more details. ta. 3/54 INLINE(CI CC einanevn) V This procedure allows 180 macmne code to be inaer ted Š pagiisi tne Pascal program; the values (C1 MOD 236, C2 MOD ze, CD MOD 250, seen) Are inserted in the object program at the oyrrent locatiti! vgunter aderess neiž DY tne compiler. Ci, C2, C3 ete, are integer constants ut naka kodek can be xy number, Refer to Appendix 4 for an example of tne vs? of INLINE. Tne prsomure Causes a USER is a procedure with one integer argument. V. 8 sa vca Hisoft Pascal £ holds cal tu be made to the memory aderess given dy V. Si! k integers in two's cemolement torm Apcenci z) 'inen 10 orcer to rerer to adsressas greater tnan 27TETF (32767) negative values oč V must de used. For examgle 20900 i$ -,6334 and so USER-16394); »ovld znvoe a a zal to the memory ašdress LC000. However; skem. vasmi a. SiaSTeM 0 refer.:o a memory address, it is more oomvement towse nexad?!- . 380 SET petrvenon..ičcs) ans: must preserve tne IX remster. G BALI sa se 23.57 POTEXMI o a o ane itn TD MBSša37 Bar: ft Tms procedure cases program eredjtn To stop s ih e, a0šrešs ot tne iočas: zn PO:XXXX' where XXXX is tne hexaprama. meti a where the ALT was issued. TOgetne? wztn a gori: letion ustutg, E——-. av be used te determne whicn oč two or more paths tnrnugn d DrOSrač are tero. Tnis will normaily de used duning ge-bugging POIE stores the ex2ression V in the comouter'i smemo Start "rom tne y (an DE Sr BY tyre extest memory address X. X is -f type integer and a die a SET, See Serrion adove for a Slon enin di S a manam> > represent memory addresses. Exarylesi POKZ(25000,'A') places 241 at 1ocatiia 12000. ; VANA POKE(-16294,2.653) places 0) 03 930 70 lin nerage: ina) at izzaruon ob»U9, die ; Ride z a, % POUD ni tote « pad > .... o... —-m mon m o K NE uoeri Zoki... po ME ZM dkadaikiiki neo. sk x 4 ni Sodna, se poe zone, io