2.3.4,3 ARCTAN(X) EXP(X) 2.3.4,10 LNOX Furtter D-odeči 23.3.1 NEW) Returns the angle, 10 radians, whcsi .0520t 1$ eGL«. Ta tre uunoer X. The result is of type rsal. Raturns the value 6X where e 2,71328. The result is always Df type real. Returns the natural logarithm (i.e. to the base e) of X. The result :s sr tyce real, If X CaO than a 'Matns Call Error' will De generated. . . Tne procedure NEIH(p) allocares space for a dynamic varzatie. TTte vamnitic 2 is a poiter vanable and ačter NEN() has Deen ?reciteu Z $rtars ve address oč tne newly alidcated dynamc vanadle, The type O" "Je dyračic variable is the same as the type of tne pointer variable p ang us lan de s" any type 7 Zo access the dynamic vanabke p" is used - see dopenžis 6 fur ar gxemple of MARKIv]) ZZŠ5LA, RELZASEWw1) RELEASE (see belowh the use of pointeru to reference dynamic »anadies. PRAGE MAšŽ sče To re—allocate space used for dynamic varzadles use the procez.re: This procedure saves tne state of the dynam. variable hoap to be saved ia tne zointer vansadle vl, Tne state :f ine hežp may Že reszerza to thaf waca tha procedura MARK was erecsted "yY UsiNj be priče iz RELEASE (se below), The type of variable to which vl pots is irroievant, stic? vt scela only be. used with MARK and RELZASE neve: iEH, For an example program using MARK ani REDE 5F see Appencix 7.