2.2.4 Antnmetie Funstiong, ; In all the functions within this sub-section the parameter X must be of type real or integer. 2.341 ABSKX) CE Returns the absolute valve of X (e.g. ASSi-4.5) giwes 4.5). The result is of the same type as X. SARIXI Returns the valve XeX i.e. the sauare of 'X. The result is of the same type 0. as X, k | ; ts 2.343 SCRTIO Returns the savare root of X - tne returned value is always of type real. A "Maths Call Error' is generated if tne argumert X is negative, ŽZAA FRACIX) ič Returns the fractional part of X: FRNAC(X) s X - ENTITRIX), As with ENTIER tms function is useful for writing many fast mathematoi GORE SEN V REJE NU NI a Ra FRAC(.5) neturns 0.5 FRAČ(-12.56) retums O ii o — ——— 9 ::assnoe . " Returns the sine of X wnere X is in rasians. The result .£ aluays 27 wyr real. N COSIX) Returns the cosins of X where X is in radians, The resi! 35 O? Type rel. 2.3.47 TAN Returns the tangent of X where X is in radians. The result is always of type real, 24 —--. z poš nn ZE an a ka m bolje