ai non o.c oi vibOE GRE aa l LANNŠAŠNIA ce ven z a aaa ani alko ii 0 a obi a Vo o ne maki PPD ROJ 233.2 ROUNDOX) K X must be of type real dr, integer-and the 'uacticn returns te 'nearest integer to X (according to standard rounduig rvies), Zxanplesi ROUNDI-6.5) raturns -6 | ROUNIM11.7) returns 12 ROUND(-6.51) returns -7 | ROVUNDUS.S) returns 24 2333 ENTER) X must be of type real or integer - ENTIZR returns tte greatest ifteger less ' than or egual to X, for all X. Examples: kai | ENTIER(-6.5) returns -7 — ENTIZR(1.7) returns ll h : Z Note: ENTIER is not a Standard Pascal function dut is the eguzvalent A BASIC's INT, It is useful when writing fast routines for many macrematnca! applications. . « Y 2.3Ž4 ORDCO- X may be of any scalar type exceok: real, The value retumed is. aa :-tagir representung the ordinal number of the valve Of X witrun tne set zei:-ico tse type of X. h h If X is of type integer tnen ORDI(X) » X ; tus sPould normaliy Le avzized - popo SRE PERE ANNE, O ORO BREJE SEE ČERNE I kro! ANTE ARE SMERNIH A o eo NE AI, Je ee PAKE SRE Dlani ONE SRNA SEA | Examples: ; | ORDi'a') returns V? ORDUCJI returrs bi 2 ] | CHR(X) X must de cf type integer, CER returns a znaracter vale iuTrešš or ij "s the ASCTI valve of X. Zxamples: CHR(49) returns 'i' CERUY1) returns 'i?