-.. J READLN means that if tne first RZAD.:s OS r;pe Crarazte" tena ZUBLJI vale mi šu returned followed Dy tne reading in Of a new line šram tne aBVOŽAI z Subsecuent read of type character wil. return tne first ztaracte-" čro- tts new line, assuming it is not zlank, See also the procedure EZAZLN volim. 2) V is of type stning. ZE A string of characters may de read using READ and in this case a ser:es 3: characters will be read until the number of cnaracters cerined zy tte string has been read or EOLN s TRUE. If the string is not čilled Dy tne reac i:.e. 1f end-of-line is reached before the whole string has een assrgnec) "ten -ne end of the string is filled with null (CER(O) characters - tus anasles -ne programmer to evaluate tne length of tne string that was read. The note concerning in 1] above also applies here, 3) V is of type integer. In this case a series of characters which represent an integer as zeč':nez in Section 1.3 is read. All preceding blanks and end-of-line markers are z gosed (this means that integers may de read umnediately cf. tne note :n 1] azove, If tne integer read has an absolute value greater than MAXIXT ST757 tnen the runtime error 'Nurber too large' will be issued and execstnan ter anašad, ; z IF the first character read, after spaces and end—2f-line characters nave Teen siusped, is not a digit or ad saga (''' or '-') then tne runtime errsr 'Nuržer erpected' will de reported and tne program aborrted, 4) V is of type real, Here, a series of characters represanting a real numner ačrre.ng %p "te syntar of .ection 1.3 will de read. All leading Spaceš and erifsof"line markers are suuzgec-ant -as fo—iztoters —- above, the first zaracter afterwards must de a digi) 2r a sign. !" tre nomber read is t2o large or tzo small (see Section 1.3) tnen an 'Ove--law' or-zr will be recorted, if "E' is present without a falloawiag sija er 4i5.; T-e- Zxzenent exDeC-2g' error will be generated and if.a cemmal zajt is zresent withrat a. subseguent digit then a 'Number erpected' error will še jiven. Reals, like integers, may be read immediately; see ll and 3! azove, READLNUVI 1 V Ž,osesses VIS is eguivalent to: BEČIN NRSADIVI V no ne READLN END; READLN simply reads in a new Dufer rom the keybcardi while tyring 'n tne buffer you may use the various oontrol functions detailed in Section 0. T tes EOLM decomes FALSE after the execstion of READLN unless the text une is blank. -a