PAGE READ V TT TT Ttexr will peread into the boffer from tne KE EOArU: WMLE relija Tue ima — — — ca WRITELN ovtputs gives a newline. This is eguivalent to WRITE(CER(13M, Note that a hnefeed is included. WRITELNE1, Z pesososes? 3); -i8 eguivalent to: BEGIN WRITE(Pl,P2yenenP3h WRITELN END; . The procedure PAGE is eguivalent to WRITE(CHR(12)/; and Causes the viceo SO en to de Cleared or the printer to advance to the top of a new page. The procedure RSAD 18 used to acrss date from tne keyooard.ilt does tt: through a buffer held within tne runtumes - this duččer 1s imnally emitv (exce,t for an ena-of-line marker). We can tznsider tna: any azzesses to Itis buffer take place through a text window Over the buffer tardugh nich ve Can see one character at a tune, IF this tex: windew it. positlomce zver za enc-of-line marker then before the read czmratian is te-rinatec znew zresi all the various control ezdes detailed in Seczon 0.0 wi] be remsaised, Noi READ(V1,V2,.vceess» VN); is eguivalent to! BESIN READ(V1); READ(V2)$ seeosvevet READ(Vn) END; where Vl, V2 etc. may be of type character, string, iatecer zr rvi], : The statement FEAD(V); has different eč'ec:s gdepensing on tne vpe of 7. There are 4% cases to consider! 1] V is of type character, In this case READ(V) simply reads a character from tne icut zučče- art assigns it to V. Jf the text window on the buffer is cositizne£ can a hne marker la CER(13) character) tnen the function EDLN wili return tne walse TRVE and a new line of text is read in from tne kevocarc. When a -eaž operation 1s suDsegoently performed then the text wincow will De posiTzoned at tne start of the new line, imzoztant note: Note that SOLN is TRVE at the start of tne pregrawn. Thist' SOS 20 MSIN OVO DVA, JEV v PODANE AE vie k JE za poj ev NAJAVE a V PI pa ma ps o, oe me po a a ea