Generally tnoughi WRITE(P1, P2yesessse PN); 1s eguivalent to; BEGIN WRITE(P1); WRITE(P2)% «eeeeee: WRITE(Pn) EN The write parameters Pi,P2,...... Pn can have one of tne following forms? Ce? or Ceim> or Celimin? or CeimiD> | where e, m andn are erpressions and H is aa litera] mmnstant. | We have 5 cases to examne! 1le is of type integer! and either Ce? or Ceim? is used. s] The valve of the integer expression 8 is converted to a zlaracter string with ) a irailing space. The length of the string zan be inzreasec imith leading | spaces) by the use of m which spemfies the total numder of znaracters to De output. If m as not sufficent for .e to De written or m 15 net present tren | e is written out in full, with a traihng space, and m 1$ mgnoreg. Note tnat,iif m is.specfied to be tne length oč e withgut tne trauling sbacp Tnen 00 traihng space wil] be output. H 2]e is of type integer anc the form ieim:ED is used. In this case e is output in hexadenmal, If ms] or mi: -ner "ne vale se MOD l16"m) is output in a width of uxactly m lnaraste"s, lf s<2 ok mi then tne čuli value of e is output in hexalecmal iN a <1ustn cf i Dtare::e"5. Ič m>4 tnen leading s2aces are Inserrec before the čul" "ezace7: tal valce $r e as necessary. LBading Teroes willioe insert20 »nere apu zaple Z O a a o WRITE(073:m:H), ESS NE Bgd Z mzi covtnuts: | KO ; me2 outputs: 01 Š ms:3 cutputs: 6401 meš outruts;: 6401 mse5 ovtputs: 0401 31 e is of type real. The forms ca), Čeim> or Ce:mint may be used. he valve of e is mnverted to a mnaratter sirmng reDrPsestLig d Tea. NUTOBI. The format 9' the representation 1s determines Dy N« 18