RLSONSTANTI, MAXINT TRVE, FALSE 12 TT. INTEGER BOOLEAN ROOY Bl nč ER OB tie AJ Apbečo, pes Mojih The largest integer available i.e. 32767. The constants of type Boolean. Sea Section 1.3. See Section 1.3, ; The full ertended ASCII character set of 254 elements. (TRVE,FALSE). This type is vse :n Mepla operations including , the results of ompansons. š 2.2.1 Input and Čut-ur B- ra 23.11 WRITE O nn oma a ; The procecure WRITE is used to outout data "2 tne ulreen er 2riz-er. When the eroressian to Je written is simoly Cf tyze zarize« tren UTITTle) passes the 3 2: valce revroserred Iy tne value Cf tne zoresrizn z potte SOeen Or pr. ter as appropriate, Note; - CERI8) (CTRL H) gives a destvuctive dacksnace on the seen, ; CER12) (CTRL L) dears the sreen cr S:vpS a new ola on the oraater. CER!13) (CTRL M) perčorms a carriage return and ne feed, CER(16) (CTRL P) wili normally direct Output to tne "mr if tne sorpen is in use or vice versa, ; ii