Forward Dečerences, pa »4b: | As :n the Pascal User Manval and Report Section 11.C.1) procedures ana čuncnons may De | reterenced Dečore tney declared through use of the Reserved Word FORKARD e.g, PROCEDVRE aly't) ; FORWARD; (procedure a declared to De) | PROCEDVRE bat (forward of tnus statement) > MEGA alj š (procedure a referenced.) 1 RICEDVRE a; : (actual declaration of procedure a) ze, — | ) 4 Note that the parameters and result type of tne procedure a are:deciared along with TORNWARD and are not repeated in the masna declaration of tne procedure. NANA FORNWARD 15 s Reserved Word. a . LZ FRICRAM. U —Gmocna) identifier (5) tisa (se) -) S:nce files are not implemented there are no formal parameters of the program. A oo