. —-—-. . Re a a vani oo NON ANS o a ie nema K a a mn rne kn, ao a UNRERANIJ kili itijenda agi z Mo sala Wi Tne SLIE Ciuse, which is an alternative To END, .s eratuted if the selector (gzzresvimn' Dve itivado is St rCUAA in One Of tne case iists 'onstant' overigaf). If tte ZND termnator is used and the selector is not found then control 1$ passev to trte statemer: following tne END, FOR statements; The szntrcl variable of a FOR statement may caly be an unstructured O orčime. not a parametar. Ttus is nalf way between the Jensen/Wirth and draft ISO standard de'initions« GOTO statements! It is saly possible to GOTO a label which 1s praoent in the same block as the GCTO statement ard at the same level, Lačels must be declared lusing the Reserved Word LABEL) in the block in wnizh they are usedi a lase] Oonsists of at least one and uo to four digits. When a lasel is usec t9 mark a statement it Must appear at tne beginning of the statement and 2e followed Dy a cilon - ';', k PN O ee nn or drone nono SIN Ža ZO o oa v o ae. 13