The sane comments made 1n Section 1,11 concerning sets aoply to simele exdressions, : | nano. vno; s Moon Ma v Simple expression When using IN, the set attributes are the full range of the type of the simole ezpression witt tne exception of integer arguments for which the attributes are taken as if (O..255] had zeen enczuntered. o X above syntax apolles when mmparing strings of the same length, pointers anc all scalar Type5. NV ; may be ompared using Ža, Če, O or s, Pointers may only be compared usxig " and O, ni .. ome imo sa deje >ARAMEL ER LJAL. .. ome sa bv —A-tyoe identifier-must-be used following the colon - otherwise "ERROR? d4 »iL rešiit, parameters as well as value oarameters are fully supported. po zedures and functions are not valid as paraneters, Rečer to tne syatax diagram oa page 14, - Assigament statements: 'See Section 1,7 for information on which assignment statements are illegal. CASZ statements: AN entirely null case list is not allowed i.e, CASE OF END; will generate an error (?"TSRROR» 13. 12 ..-mi mo ms