zav Zal 13 pe SEK ISOF upi s z H ui m. Z 1) Nellam Meg čara! Be ME ZRC o Zo. o nm ; Teur "es Tel, (0793) Zo61i6 Cur ref: Hisoft 2ascal. 4T ovners should rate that the Instaliation GLize ang tre Zdoegrnzei 2 2 ia Š m š a s -" . ..ze.m Al terztion Guide are identical documents, This uili Ce availati2 tOx2f7Is — tne enc cf Dezemner 1982. PS dosti TI "a. - om -— po SiTi MTTEnIster SIT T va? IA ZLALTY Turrizmouter SIFTsarenm nji GudnTy DITIET-- 1 Zen zr.ota ; "izr: D.O. Lak oč Egllam Moor lizen SNINDON SNI biL5. za ae iza release o? Yne diffezences betwesn Version 1'1 and Version 14 ara given balou: 2. 3. Še HISOFT PASCAL 4 »- VE2STION 124, UR IUNENINKUZNENSENNIENSEE ZANIENIEK SE umosr of Hisoft Pascal 4D and Hisoft Pascal 4T is nov ?-"4, [zative from 31 Octobar 1982. A bug in the evaluation of expressions (uhich led to exzressions like 1.522(2) being incorrectly evaluated) nas been cozrectec., A bug in tha evaluation of ezoressions (uhizh led tz exoressisns like? le(1e1) being incorrectly evaluated) nas Deen corructed. A bug tna? caused the incorrect evaluation of the zasult of an integer to real comparison has been corrected. . Hisof" ?ascal dT only: the documented bug in tne aci.or 'S" suč-cimnand (see nage 38 of the Programner's Mafual) has Deer cirrectac - '5' cat nov bs usad at any time. iš liisaft Pascal 4T only: using tne 'F' command from uitnin the ecitI: to fina a character string rou posizians the editing CuTsOT ct --e beginning of any found occurrence of tne striag cf, zagus 27 sne či of tne Programner's Manual. Hisofe Pascal 4T only: a new ecizor zrnmardi has Tao! iPTIDTUTsteET. TP4 tx' gormand cisolays, ifi Rexaceci"al, TNN TLTTetnn s 50- ACOPJIŠ Mt, czmailer. This allows the user to tor ? juJ rk" Zav 907 ZG SE TUŽ. parrage ana %'nus minimises th? daasryt7 df ŽJpEžH.O 5 Ve Mato o ee, To co tnis, find the start auczess 9" zte 2ač«ap? TITT Vf.Y Irzlementation Note ato tne eng acoluir VvT zhe Ddlsije Ubijij ine zoanand, MOvu uss the relevant 2ytT9m DImr lez 10 dampo Imi$ blšek of memory to tage. Mote tna vo, .»ili rot ca able 12 v»: Tč? KEČT loazer t9 load tne zackase utv- stvYytd it TTIT ue? > » ČE. stoulc use tne relevant operating :.szsr l$ag ITTT10T ste LO axezute a cold start into tne ediwr ss givsa it /J47 :072- Nota. - , SPECT2.%, ouners should consulz the enciosedž sheet '"uxlig wOr«xi7) topies'. for tečnnical reasons ovners of MOAT on a Kš3EOM (vr:ser NASeSYS) or on a ZX :ZEDTRUM uill be sent Verzian 1,3 which is igestizal to Versžat teš excezt tnat bug J atove is net corrected, To avoid this ug yo- trosia al.avs ensure that the real excression ir a real-to-intege: C2n5či:57? aleiys aopears on the le"t of tne comparison,