Mona ste xy] IE. MPa JR) 4-1 če. | Used in znjunction with RECORDs see Section 1.7.4 above and Appendix 4 for an exarole, £ . bad 4 MErastaša H f< s-> varzaple identifier "x? sie ki : JN o o o a nn L —> Field idenuifier uli di < O a A En 1 o —>——enanooon o — field iamiine ————— ono, V o on om pn | | PO a A VONN O o a o Jo eve o nan a aero aa Z mor ' Ho poo | ilka, 9 mo Two kinds of variazles are suoported within Hisoft Paszal s; stan: aac tynamiz varczlos. Sliric variables are ersl:ocly oedared tnrough VAR and memcry 1$ allozatec čer tnem suma; "ne tatire 2Z20IL.U5O 2d tne lock ia wnilO they were declared, čvnamic variaoles, NOowever, are oreated oynamically CUrINS DrOgran ezez. nin Dv The 27TOR2. s JEN. They art not zedarec eroliotly and cannot de referenced dy an igent:fier. Tfe; Ate "0TBTBNATEC ILJIrET.. lra static var:aole of type pointer, which contains tne address of the dynanic vafiadla, v om m See Section 1.7.2 and Section 2 for more details of the use of dynamic vamaties ant ADrenci: S Jor an eran?zle, Shen specfying eiements of multi -dimensional arrays the orczrammer is "ot forcec tc use the Sare čz-a Of ingex speafication in the reference as was used in the deciaration - tMi$ 35 a Can ce "rom H1sI)t Tacia x z . €.5. if variable a is declared as ARRAY(1.10]. OF ARRAY(1..101 OF TZNTISER tnen eitne- allilil. cr ail,i. may de usec to aczess element (1,1) of the array, 10 o on