——m san eo O MM KE o m H i | TT ——— The variables first and -ovrrent—are eguivalenv im struroral-zduivalet 18-18 55s89-ane-- te —: — LT. Painters, Hisoft Pascal 4 allows tte creation of dynamic varzazles ta"CuJN "te use 28 "te Štare o: Pezzndise NEA (see Secrion 2). A dynasnic variable, unlike a static vatabie wnicr "4, DeMOry 32.22 altovaici for it througtout tne blocx 1 which it is declared, cinnot Ze 'ever2.:20 Siraetiv meni" a identifier since it does not have an identifier; instead a Ddointer varzable 18 used. T"i> polatea var:able, which is a static variable, Contanns the address of the Oynamiz vactačble and te dynamic variable itself is accessed dy including a '"' after the pointer vaniazie. Zrarzies o! tu.» -- pointer types can be studied in Appendix 4%.. There are some restrictions on the use of pointers within Hisoft Pascal 4, These are as foilaws: Pointers to types that have not been declared are not allowed. Tms does not 5raovant "- Construction of Unked list structures since type definitions may mntam pointers to Inerselves 0.3. ; TYPE item s RECORD valve ; INTIGER: next ; "item END; link » "item; « d . Pointers to pointers are not allowed. UH Pointers to tha sane type are regarded as eguivalent 9.9. VAR first : link; current :; "item; assigned to eact other or Campared, The zredefined constant NIL is svoported anč when this 15 asstetjec.t3 a pC1r ter vdač...te re- --. poznter variable 1s deemed ta contain no address 1... SEZ dne, The imzlementation af FETCORDs, structured variač)23 TDTOCSAG IF u Šizac OUuMTE7 zr ceasliinemtš Cali2d fielcs, within Hisaft Pascal $ is as Stanjurd Fascal exl217 tka! tne variaa! zart of the ticid list is net suzported. Two REČOHD types are only treated as ecuivalent if tneir declarati)N Sters fru:n tna sara Cczsrrence of tne reserved word RECTRD see Section 1.7.4 above, : The WITH statement may be used to access the different fields within < 7ecčra 1n a more 5na«s7 form, See appencix l4j.for an ezample of the use of WITH and RECORDS mn general. ' O NE EM ME PEN t m JN, EN TI PE JE JJ O NAMEN PAN PINI PV o NEJA o REVNA EVO NE JP, A PN V NO MAP A ER m o o ENE a m m