; ; misi ič aaa OF surple type h ' : ) Command O eramj ——> field ust ;——— EMO The reserved word PACYED is acreoted but ignored since packong alreacy takes zlace čer a-ajs of cnaracrers etc, Tne only case in whicn the packung of arrays wc.ls Je AgVATAJOCUS iSruj3n dt arašy of Z2oleans - but this is more naturally expressed as a set when pak 15 reguired. ta Malaioš 121 ABBAVYs and SETS. The base type of a set may have up to 250 elements. Tnis snasles STTs of CHAF tc de zezarej už tegetner with STTs of any user enumerated type. Note, however, tnat pri; SUDranges oč ntesers Cin De used as base types. All subsets of integers are treated as sets oč DES, Full arrays of arrays, arrays of sets, records of sets etc. are supported. Two ARNAY types aro only treated as eguivalent if tneir dečinition stems from tne sate use oč tde reserved word AZRRAY, Thus tne following types are not egulvalenti iii s... tadlea s AFRAY(1.100] OF INTEGE taoleb s ARRAY(1.100) OF MTEGER gned to a variabje of tyse tapled. 7ns enažles taples represerting difčerent gara. Tne asove Since arrays o? tn:s typa So a vanable of type tablea may not be assi mistares to De detected such as assigning two restriction does not nold for the specal case of arrays of a strung type, are always used to represent similar data, o—oooon nn ooo o a m 8 ao ——————" ee PPOTAZNJUA IPN VP PON Nj VOST NOE AA DIE EVE TONE TON PE NENA MJ SSP SARE OAENIEAVEEVO SOV ena o ma sie ee OoRoŠIo. db . NoPD NA 0 ge | | H | | U z... zo mana. mo mon em me |, .. . vo sm eš m G5 | oma 5 6 Io EN A o o NJ : ' po ENA aaa o o o a no a ič ka POTOPNE ON PRIPONO POJEJ O POP EINE VALNI, HJNEPRVN PENN