z AE nn di z no ao 0, verne bole NA. dal ni da a od a MNE MI š adsolute values of its arguments e.g. 2.00002 - 2 soes not yit!d O.00002, 7, ;s sa zo $Pv inaczvracy involved in representing deomal fracnnons as diNafy fraCTicno. lt sges net sezsr when integers of moderate size are represented as reals e.g. 20OC02 - 200:J0 » 2 2Xa5tly. Tne largest real availavle is 3.4E33 while the smallest 1s 5.9E-39. There is no point in using more than 7 digits in the mantzssa when speafying aii since extra digits are ignored except for their place valve," When acruracy is imoortant avoid leading reroes since these COunt as one cf tne tigits. TMS O.000123456 is represented less acrvrately than 1.234S6E-4. Hexadecmal numders are available for programmers to speofy memory addresses cr assert!iy language linkage inter alia. Note that there must de at least one nexadecmal digit present arter the '2', otherwise an error (ERROR? S1) will be generated. tonstant udentifier Nate that strings may not contain more fhan 25% characters, String ty92$ are ARnAY [1..XI Cf -4-: wnere N 1s an integer Detwemn | ant 257 inzlusive, i2tma) st"inGt NOTJiZ St Data: P en.o-of-lne characters (CHRU13)) - if they do tren an 'sERNROR? oG'us jete"Iteč. The characters available are the full eroanded set of ASTIZ valuzS witn I%i ejone- 75 ZI mačtan a Za OZMDALIILTY wito Standard Pascal tne null character :s not tepres20ted i» "O; itSTtRAC LNEO sno-lo be used.