if tne program terminates incorrectly (e.g. witnout 'END,") then tne Nessace 'No more text' will De Č mamo oi PRA RaaNi | Gisplayed and control returned to tne editor. IF the compiler runs out of table space then the message 'No Taoie Space' wal; be tisclayec ana csntrol returned to tne editor. Nor: tne programmer. will ive. tne program ga. taae, re-icad tne iler and speafya er je size" (see Section 0.0), ši PI o EN ot If tne compilation terminates correctly but contained errors then the number 9f errars seteced wili be disolayed and the onject code deleted. If the compilation 1s SUCTessful tnen tne message Zani wiil be displayed; if you desire an unmediate run of the program tnen respond witni,i', otherwise control will De returned to the editor. be: During a run of the odject code various niime error. messases may be generatec-(see Acpencix | You may suspend a run by using ČS" subseguently use CC to adort the run or any otner mey ta resime the run. SODA Man — na v O.: strana ie ke ing. Different languages have different ways of ensuring that the:yser does not.use an eiement ož cata in a manner which is inconsistent with its gefiniton, At one end of the scale there is macmne code where no lnecies whatever are mage on tne TTFE of variazle being referenced. Next we have a language like tne Byte "Tiay Paszal' in wmici character, integer and Boclean data may be freely mixed without gengrating err2rs. Furtner uo tne scale Czines BASIC which distinguishes between nurnJers ano Strinyjs and, So'tetimes, DiTwee: ir tecers anc reals (perhaps using tne '%' sign to cenote integers), Tim:: comes Pascal whmizn gces as ča" as allow:ng distinct user-enumerates types. At tne tc7 of the gale .at'. 'esent) :s a lafj.co« aa AZA iN wich cene can gefine different, incomgat.bie numeric br.es. There are basically two approaches used by Pascal imdiementahms to sreestt of triag; structural eguvalence or name egutvalence. Sisočt ?ascal 4: a ur AE anč AFRAYs, The mnsenuences of tus are c IWFjed in Secnor | - le: tt zuč-:-2 te jive an: Ttamjiz nere; say tvo vVariašies are gefined as follows: tao a ter dž O VAR A: ARRATUA'..'C'] OF INTISTRI a E ' ARRAYI'A'.,'C'] OF INTEGERI the" cne might be temzred to think that one could write uisB) but this woviz generite an t'zr (9 7Z5RŽR« 10 under isoft Pascal £ sire -40 senara"e akse ODIDE MY OM Zetteč tv tre Dove zefinitnons. in other words, the user nas Act zaxsn nu JeC4127 thel A art l sna: ret"2ser.; the same type of zata, Sne/ne ela iz tus ty: VARO A,B ' ARNRAYUA'.C CF INTEGTA; anc "3w the user can "reely assiga A to $ anc vic: versi sine. zne TEŽE rem-i' nas.tesa Sanated. čitozugna on the surface this name eguivalence aoprcact may saem a littie zrzicated. v gero-il it sRacs to fewer programming errors siace at reguires f.ore initial tnao.7ht fr2m Tne Zrogračnmer., dolge ka. sedite čakaj - pno z nuja RE dedki ča Š 4 | PP S a RO pag OO ane ona a