a OE RP zlila... R akne ua nad tare vane m smi eta ba ča nani — SA ae mne zo eo NE, mota ona PPRS Sect:on 3 contains information on the various momo.ler opt:sas uva.ib.e dd diso ca the format cf CEzmmants, . Secnon 4 shows now to use the line editor which :s an integra! zart :r ZTSTIJ: YOv 20 act sist: use this editor Dut want to interface YOUr Own editer, tneA yCu shti.c znsuit tne ZPST Ma čarutiza Guide. The above Secticns should de read carefully by all users. Appendiz 1 details the error messages generated doth by the zompiler and tne runtunes. " Appendix Z lists the predefined identifiers and reserved words. Agoendix 3 gives details on the internal representation of data within Hisoft Pascal 4 - USečul čer programmers who wish to get their hands dirty, Agpendix 4 gives some example Pascal programs - stugy this if you eznerience any przolems :a writing Hisoft Pascal 4 programs, 0.2 Comgilins and Punnina. 8 For detals of how to create, amend, comgile and run an HPAT program using the integral une ecitsr see Section 4 of tnis manual. For information On what to dp if YOU arR uslig yOvr Own oditsr see '-e EPST Alteratian Guide. . Once it has been invoked the comgiler generates a listing o" the formi: H Xxxx nonn test of source line wnerej xxxx is the address wnere the mode generated dy this line JEgirs, z nnnn 1s the Lune number with leading zerces susgressed. If a line o—ntains more than 90 fharacters tten tte czmoiler insert tse-lite Maracters sa that tne lengtn of a line 1s never more tna SZ zar imers, ; O OR RO SER IKEA RE a OE ALOE LA novno OZ ir JI DLAN O a o na oe The listing may be directed to a printer, if reguired, by the use sy tsti2a P iš stazt'tec sea Section 3), , TOu may zause the l:sting at any stage by pressing CS; suzsenenti; use I2 tz seturt ig tne sti | Sr any atner key to restart the listing, o sva If an error is detected Guring the comgilatian then the messace »IFČUŽH wu. če MSP. > teliowed dy an up-arrow ('0%), wticn points ačter the symosi unich zenelši?. trte 7""3r. ant ar :—z« Nurcer (see ApDoencix 1), The listing will pavse; hit (Z ma » ŠlSTLAYS9, DRiaa zaturn to tde editar.agd edit tne prev.cus une af it exi53s. Ozužapev$nac.o ci nu. —ntuinyue tne Omnilaton« ORI anno reve KE NR