mm m na | H H ( z:.,a tne loader wili automatically loač the compiler and runtimes into memory for you. Wnen tne compiler has been sucryssfully loaced it wil) execste automatically ane preocuce 7% MeStaje: . h Top of RAM? Yov should "espond to tina by sither enturing a positive delal numDer up to £$$Že (ičei.o»ez TY RETURN or by tutting RETURN (See implementation Noteh pi RU enter a pre tna aa ak a a me tena čjo RAM legač: z. m RA '-a ii sd. The cormriler's staz thus you Can reservi ry locations a, Or extensions to the tomzierj Iv zuje sto. ivand a va.ue less than the N the ZX Spectrum version tne true tog 7" Rai 3 kon to De TKEEVaTTOP he user defined grapnics area (UZG 1 tne Sindar Madca.). . Y su will then be promzted witni Top of RAM for 'T" v" Here vov can enter a gočiah number or default to the "top of RAM' vajiue orevidusiv szeltimi. | nat you enter will be tamen as tne stack when the resultant object C2de 19 trpotec avte" .3,-3 tat editor 'T' mommand (See Sect:on 4 for detale). You will neso to dečine a "AME Staza 5it" 7 fr tne tog Of RAM 1, for example, you nave written RXzenNsicns To tne PUNTUNES ač2 wibči TE 2.i tnem safely in igh memory locations, 4 Finally yov will de askad? Table size? nat you enter here specifies the amount of memory to be allscated to the czru:jer's S" "nzz. "si? Aa:n, either enter a positive deomal number followed Dy RETURN or samolj SETTZN z; itself ta w nim zase a default value oč iavailadbie RAM Givided Dy iz) vil! DE Ter MM d5 "PP SV IC. TRI. TR nearly ali cases the Oečavit value provides more "har" encugn space ser svmzo.s. The szabel . tazie may NOT eXt900d.aJOv? Malmune ad0r8e%% 23000" (32766 zeznal). if rev SIPDfry Dia zda-i.s sena tnat nat this happens then you will de prompted again for Tog Of NAM' eto PM m m a m a, a a O . You may, opticnal!y, include an 'E' derere the numder ačter "tis Promot -.J' IL d2"$7 tret. tne nje a. tne eciter will not be retajned For use dy tne comziler. Sn 30 $"iS 8? /Du m1$n TI .£e pOsI ad) Guf. DGTDr witi the compgiler (see the EPST lnstaljabon Cuise for D2Tajis CI bow tI DD TUISO Xi ims point tne comviler and integral editor (i€ retauzred) will ne relzcaited at tiw s: s" "te syrzel tazle anc execstica transferred to the suoported ecit2r. »Note! MeSSgDONA | tr:s Manual, the 2CUA€ sign "2" 1s "ezla5Ež 7Y fbe nU-IP" 5ijA 7 ask (deciwat) 3€, hozazamraj 73, sručt '2" on all systems wmica do net use U... -522. Nimbets that are 2rez2ezez 2y tris symool are m nerasecmal, 9. torza sš ts matyal, po II IE A A a ad This manual 1s net intended to teac: you Pascal: »3u are rejer-ed to Tv r: last 2-37X: Gireg ia tne ZizlLography "z yGU Are a NewCEME' (CE prosran ring MM Pasča.. ze NaGItI 7. Tris manual is a referenc doovme ", J2tžiling tne partio.!ar features o£ 2 se ect:2n | gives tte svntaz and tne semantics sxrected by tne z.rc:ie:. žamian it ge ale tne vars precefined ident Siers tnat are avaliccir ».tniTo 3)" če ratio oh. —- u CONSTants te FUAL TLOM.