—o- oo po nede no mne LO PRE DNMDLARISS [,O črevo no St; Hisoft Pascal ST (HP4T) 1s a fast, easy-to-u:e ani powerful version of tne Pascil lasg.ace ,, specfied in tne Pascal User Manual and Report (Jensen/Wirtn Second Zditian). Omissizas rr Sava specrication are as follows! FILEs are not implemented although variables may be stored cn tape, A RECORD tyge may not have a VARIANT part; PROČ EDVREs and FUNCTIONs are not valid as parameters. ... Many extra functions and procedures are included to reflect the Danging environment in uso? ' compilers are used; among these are POK, PEFX, TIN, TCUT and ADTDA, . The comyiler ocnupies asproximately 12K of storage while the runtumes take ud rcugtly 1X, zat- are svoplied on Cassette tape in tne tape format used dy zhe runtimes. all INT?" aZD-5 zetwoen HP4T and the host machine takes place througn vectors cznveniently placed at tne star: 2/