SEETTO a Mi jure rni — ; 4,1 Introduction to the £ci tor 4,7 The Editor Comnanga | 4.21 Text Insertion 4.2.2. Text Listing |- | ; 4.2.3. Text Editing | k božed Tape Commands a 4.2.5 Comoiling and Running from the Editor 4.2.6 Otner Commands ; 4.3 An Example of the Usa of tne Editor APOTNOIX 1 CC ERRORS A.1.1 | Error numbers generated by the comoiler A.1.2 Runtime Error Messages fs ! " APOSNOIX 2 RESERVED VOROS and ?CEITFTNCO rornuririces, z h.2.3 Reserved Uords ; A.2,2 Special Symool3 A.2.3 Predefined Identifiers ti | APOENOTX 3 DATA REDOTSENTATION ana STORAGE ONE K RODA ODNO VENO aaa aaa aa kak A.3.1 . data Resresentation MoSotai Intagers z h.3.1.ŽZ Characters, Sooleans and ozner Szalars : R,3.1.3 Raals ; č ; Za S UT MR5i,4 5 — Macordš and Arrays s Ž heŠe1 ».S i ; Sets IB R.3.1.6 Pointers A.3.2 Variable Storage at ?untima ACPENDIX a some Examot z hPaT P2O722m5 aaa kake. 212. IIGRABUY aaa ano tik "m »— ma oe