Trte ecitor CIN?S Up if Upper casa mode, this may De toggied 10 zne asrmal way using ČaTz SHniFTanč ko $ tne' varicus cnarazster 2ositions ca th2 Y su have contr screen ara paneaes, WRITEICHEGTL,CE5ISI) ušli manč tne 'piper' gres ge tne permanent attributes. lf, while using trese central codes, an invalid seguence is detected then tne message BI ore TPESI wnilč displayed and the execution aborted, te ect coge to tazz tne message 'St t OU (4 Thare is no need to sava,the lcader since ic.i i ays dumžet wi: ti SRAT 7 if to s tne odject, sce ag a a regram simaly enter 'LOAD."" frag sitna ZTETO, After tne execstion of the object code has finished you can run it ajal, assvonag it fasniet corrupted anything, by entering 'GOTO 3' from witnin BASIC, RRNA EEKENO VE SEVE PINE —6ADE O ZE TIRI rm If you use man within šhe EPST editor to retura ta tne 2X STE2:T: BASIC then, assuming you do not change the BASIL program, ycu can re—enter the dole editor in one cf two ways: to perform a warm start i.e. preserving tne Dasoči program or 'SOTO 12' to dna cold start, razinitialisang the zTEN ani Ceanng any 2X131113 Pascal text. —— RN, . Fleise do not hesitata to ontact us if you pos sz any difšiculty with Hisof! Paszil 7 - we can only solve tne predlems if we know what t are! Nats: The start address of the package 13 £6016 (hexaducinul) se 26538. % OEPSINSKTINIE tanja OL AA ŽA o oa 2