Trenr- Pot ari MM! SU mobi ua MšRE. PASE,' sz: o IA UTV Reda mit zd ou. Z nI ču žbe iri: oa bi A pb 1 -. zA Peti Gading HPO Frem Tano, Vnpačk the cassette tape from its case and load it into your cassatte reCorcer with tica a (the side witn the label) Uppermost, On your SPECTRUM make sure that you are in Xeyuora Entry Mode and then enter; LOAD "" (press K and then " twice) Now press PLAY on the tape recorder! first the H?:S loader wili be lsazed, this wili execste automatically and proczed to load the HP4S cože, If a tage error 15 ceresteg tnen press the SPACZ bar on the SPECTRUM, stop the tade, rewind to the star:, Press NIK ion the 'A' key) on tne SPECTRUM and then enter LOAD "" agan.If you stili get a tapelsinrs - error then try ažjusting the volume on YOur tape recoržar; if errors PerSist please do-yurn tke tape to Jisoft and we will reglace it, Once the HP4S code has been loaded it wili ezecste u:tomatically an6 the MčE535% Toar RAM? will be Cisplayed - now consult Section 0.0 of tne Hisoft Pascal ST Pregrarnmer's Manual for details oč how to proceed. « The 2X SPECTRUM is a rather unusual ramzutar and, to a certain sxizat, tte iMolo u Ir trnar Of ZPAT reflects this. K tro! OGces zne Fr: s imnivs Matte so, o žem RSi S follows on the SPERITE RETURN O ovita the "ENTER! keya. KOMEL VČINIOČ ge via CAPS SEIFTanc 1. 2vY R CA DELETE i.e, CAPS SHIFT ŠA Mi.s,. Adi? i NATI ČkANI nape. z via CAFS SHIFT ana?. PaEmwwvE psa VASLEBUIO TRE PLošiC!Do c> net availsdle yet, zdi ak. Cx via CPS SHIFTand 5 Vrni Ptuvva£. VATIPUARO VLITI Cs via CAPS SžITT and SPACZ. U The 2X SPEcTrzux kevword entry eshems is not SUu2porteč (we sa2 this as a ztsitie šdvantage), instead all text m. i sko a Sid ŽiS GNUMEJIŽ Roy5. ZE iva. SVO.OCI ASI NDaT2T witi STxz -. šč; 3 ges '2" and OL SUJKI 3.«:S « You must not use the single symbcis Ca, O and is » instead tnese shoulc te c:::rec is š Ccmbination sf tne Symools C,> ana s, te. m: Sak he a oolstolo same 8 V?