, bo. f Vputting these extra lines into Mm. f c eri te pi k ) de x: ta" 83 THEN LET S-S«4] simplest way to add three he game, though it makes rather difficult to win. 1 TO 5 "ROE IT "IR Jogfight g | komakeyour chance ofhitting the ». PRalčegua! to his chance ofhitting inge the .7 in line 290 to..5. A ' in" Mio - 3 FA v u sonic Bomber lore targets each time, change nes 30, 70 and 120 to ahigher -0u must put the same inall three lines. make the grid bigger by Hall the 8s in lines 20, 50, 70, )0, 160, 170, 290 and 3l0toa be r. (Use the same veh time.) nore icebergs change the 4 ba higher number. 2 Going further Here is alist of books You should find useful if you want to find out more about computers or writing programs. Usborne Guide to Computers by Brian Reffin Smith, Usborne Understanding the Micro by Judy Tatchell and Bill Bennett, Usborne Introduction to Computer Programming by Brian Reffin Smith, Usborne [llustrating BASIC by Donald Alcock, Cambridge University Press Fred Learns about Computers, Macdonald « Evans The BASIC Handbook by David A. Lien, Compusoft Publishing The Computer Book by Robin Bradbeer et al, BBC Publications First published in 1982 by Usborne Publishing Ltd, 20 Garrick Street, London WC2E 9BJ, England. (O 1982 Usborne Publishing Ltd The name Usborne and the device "7 are Trade marksof Usborne Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission ofthe publisher. Printed in Spain by ELEXPURU, S. A. L.-— Bilbao