SGN tells the computer to hnd out the sign ofa Ta. number ltproduces | foranegative number,0 Z] iorzeroand - | for positive numbers E g 7 SGN(-30)is - 1, SGN(7)is - landSGN(0)isO0. DIM tells the computer how much memory space will be needed for an "array (aroworagrid) E.g DIM X(6) tells the computer to set aside anarea large enough to containa row of 6elements and labelled X DIM A(8,8) means a memory space labelled A and big enough to take 8elements across and 8 down is needed The numberof elements of data used in the program must correspond to the numbers in brackets after DIM Or you will get a bug. SOR takes sguare roots of numbers E.g. SOR(16) gives the answer 4 SIN calculates the sine ofanangle lna night-angled tnangle the length of the side opposite an angle divided by the length ofthe hypotenuse (the side Ee — Oopposite the right angle) is the sine of that angle zija teb When you use SIN ina program. the angle youare ge. using it with must be measured in radians not degrees tm zma A, ATN is one of the trig. funcuons which computers Can calculate (see also SIN above). It stands for arctangent and 1t ls important to remember that it gives an answer in radians, not degrees. Youwill need to use a maths book to find out how this works if you do not already know about it. 3 | STOP rells the computer not to go any furtherina program. Computers other than the ZX81 canuse END instead PEEKisawayof hnding out what is in a specific area of the computer's memory. You need touse:it with a number which specifies an "address" inthe memory. NB not used on BBC. POKE isa special way of puttung information inthe Somputer s memory by usmg a memory "address" NB not used on BBC ASCII chart ZX81 code chart Code ZX81 Code ZX81 number (|character| number |character don a rk bes— b— in —- — I—I—E- N—— Me ao jr — lupe bor— s — — o A o ci k. NI MC pi Pe O PREMA — a — is—— —i— I— HB ——— / FM PNE! i ME di ei | 1 ua ME r—|i — pa — M— [s— — S —— ES —S— DE —5— a EPAR MOPTNEI NJENI S ZEN NE IUIO GENI ea ee ——) KRE TE Ee drn ba k —] STE Z romi ura remo meu Nu ai Km SEJI IE IE me | VR am se Pirs (V 5] (Mr K DROUEE (1 KOD ENE NEUE ENE K INEME Reci LC ei. ze Nr ai TN Poraja PX— |l3I -|9 SS —E—EE—-I— [s—A— je o je mm (2 | imele — Mi |e Time] — PLES oe Chart of screen sizes Max. number of characters across (or number of columns) ViC20 ua uk nu TRS-80 PM vak z 20/40/80 Max. number of lines down (or number of rows) .——