INKEYS checks the keyboard to see if a key is being pressed and if so which one. It does not wall for you to pressa key like INPUT does Itis usually used in a loop which makes the computer go round checking the keyboard lots of times. This is because computers work so guickly. you wouldnt have a chance of pressing a key in the time ittakes the computer to do one check. If you haven't pressed a key before the loop finishes, the computer carries on with a string containing nothing (called a "null" string). NB Apple and VIC do not use INKEY$. GET is used instead of INKEY$ on VIC and Pet computers. GOTO makes the computer jump up or downthe program ignoring the lines in between. You must put the number of the line you want ittojumpto after the GOTO instruction. GOSUB tells the computer to leave the main program and go to a sub-routine. GOSUB must be folowed by the number of the first line of the sub- routine. At the end of the sub-routine you must have a RETURN line. This sends the computer backto the main program to the line immediately following the GOSUB line. A GOSUB without a RETURN ina program will give a bug. IF... THEN tells the computer to decide ifan expression is true or false, and do different things depending on the answer. It is used withthe following signs, and also with AND or OR: greater than < z]less than or the same as > z greater than or the same as < >not the same as Ifthe computer decides an expression is true, it carries on to do the instruction which follows THEN. lfit decides it is false, it ignores the restof that line and goes on to the next one. m on CLS is used to clear everything off the screen without removing or changing anything in the memory. lt is useful for removing the listing from the screenat the beginning of a RUN or ingames when you want the player to react to something seen for a limited amount of time. (NB Apple and VIC do not use CLS - see conversion chart) HOME is used by Apple computers instead of CLS to clear the screen. Za ABS ignores plus and minus signs in frontof numbers and takes their "absolute" values. E.g. ABS( — 10)is l0and ABS(-- 10) is also 10. VAL takes the numeric value of numbers written as strings. In effect, it tells the computer to ignore the dollar sign and treat the string as an ordinary number variable. E.g. if I$—"60" then VAL(1$) isthe number 60. ASC converts a character into its ASCII code number e.g. ASC("3") gives 51. The expression in brackets must be a string e.g. ASC(A$) or ASC("20". NB ZX81 and ZX Spectrum do not use ASC, though the Spectrum does use the ASCII code. CODE is used by ZX81 and Spectrum in placeof ASC. Like ASC it must always be followed bya string. Remember that the ZX81 uses different code numbers from the other computers. TAB moves the cursor across the screentoa specified column number. It is usually used with PRINT to display something in the middle ofthe screen. The number of spaces you want the cursor moved is put in brackets after TAB. The maximum number you can use depends on the screen widih of your computer. OVITE KIVLEEOI TEN Mm