Here are some ideas for additions ou can make to the programs in this book or to your own programs. In most cases you won't be able to add these to a ZX81 with only 1Kas e games themselves fill almost all its memory space, but you should find there is plenty of room onthe other computers. Remember you will either have to »strict your additions to the spare line numbers in a program or renumber the program. lf you lecide to renumber, take care you hange all the GOTO and GOSUB es too. 1000 PRINT "PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE "; | MS ZxIO1O IF INKEY$<"" THEN GOTO 1010 i 41010 [I$<-GET$ Getting the computer to tellyou eioin GET 1s | ow to play AlOJ]O GET I%$ z IF I%$-"" TMHEN GOTO 1010 1020 PRINT Youcanadda A on to any program to make ihe computer print nstructions telling you what to do. The žaSlest way to do d this is to add some lines, such asthose below, at the beginning ofthe zale and then put a sub-routine at he en If your instructions are very long, you may want to insert this sub-routine which stops the program runningata particular point until you press a key. This way you can stop the instructions scrolling off the top of thescreen before you have read them. Puta GOSUB lineat the place you wantthe program to stop and then put this sub- routine at the end. Making the computer '"'talk"' to O PRINT "TITLE OF GAME" stjo "DO YOU WANT TO" NT "KNOW MOM TO De ME a PLAY 7 JF I$(])2"Y" THEN GOSUR 1000 You can make the computer ask you guestions and react to your answeris. Ni ra o a O For instance, here is an addition which ; SUB 1060 vil] make the computer refuse to play "eli program goes here 000 PRINT » WHAT YOU - debi PRINT "DO IS ME TE ?? RETURN with you unless your name begins with J. PRINT "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" INPUT 1$ IF I8(1)<>"J" THEN GOTO 1000 IF LEFT$(I$,1)<>"J" THEN GOTO 1000 (Ouc an add as many print statements PRINT "OK-YOU CAN PLAY." PRINT "ARE YOU READY?" z Sal fOr the instructions, just Ord ri tom mena zdne ciš< >"Y" THEN GOTO 5 ne. Restnct the am pi ofeach 4xMA07 IF LEFTS(Js$,1)<>"y" THEN GOTO 5 hside the | of the part mk duotation marks to the ele characters Your computer On one line. Don't forgetto Ši SOAAMUN-— maln program here 1000 PRINT "SORRY THIS GAME IS" DRE TURN line atthe end orthe 1010 PRINT "ONLY FOR PEOPLE" am 1020 PRINT "WHOSE NAMES BEGIN" Wontwork. 1030 PRINT "MITH J" Here is another one where the computer dares you to be brave enough to play. lu PRINT "VERY SCAREY GAME" 12 PRINT "ARE YOU BRAVE ENOUGH" 14 PRINT "TO TACFHLE TME GREEN" 15 PRINT "HAIRY MONSTER?" 15 INPUT [$ S Zx1? IF 1$6/l)e"Y" TMEN GOTO 20 AMA0I7 IF LEFT$(I$,1)e"Y" TMEN GOTO 20 18 PRINT "COMARD" 19 STOP You could combine this with the instruction sub-routine by taking hnes 11 to 17 from the instructions section on this page and putting them at lines 20 to 26 of this program. You canthen start the malin program at line 30and add the instruction sub-routine at the end. Would you like another go? Instead of typing RUN each time you play a game, you can makethe computer ask you if you'd like another go. Put these lines at the end ofthe program, just before the last STOP statement. 1000 PRINT "DO YOU WANT ANOTHER GO?" 1010 INPUT I$ S ZX1020 IF I$(1)e5"Y" THEN RUN XxMA01O20 IF LEFT$(I$,1)e"Y" THEN RUN 1030 PRINT "OK THEN - BYE" 1040 STOP Change line numbers according to your program. Adding sound effects The BBC, VIC 20, ZX Spectrum and some Apples are able to produce sounds and you can add lines to your programs to make them do soat appropriate places. You could addan explosion for instance, ora little tune which plays if you win. All the | computers need different instructions to make sounds though, so you will have to look at your manual. In some —m ne zn a o — Noel kača s Č ie? Cases you can add a single line to your program at the place you want the sound. In others, you need several lines and it is best to put these in asa sub-routine. As an example, here is the sound of a shot for the BBC. You canexperiment with where to putit in the program, but you must give it a line number to make it work: SOUND 0, 15,5,10 At the back of the VIC manual you will find some useful sub-routines for sounds such as "laser beam", "explosion" and "red alert". Puta GOSUB line where you want the sound to appear, number the sub-routine and add a RETURNAat the end ofit. Special note for BBC and x Spectrum users 4 X If you have a BBC or a ZX Spectrum you may find that some of the games in this book run too fast for you. You will find a box next to these games containing instructions for changing the speed. Remember, to slow the game up you always need to use a higher number. Later models of the BBC may run upto twice as fast as the earljer models, and this could make the games appear impossible on the first run. Be prepared to make big changes to the speed number to correci this.