Missile! This game is different from the others in this book because it uses graphics. As the computers vary so much in the way their graphics work, there is a separate rogram foreachone. Read the in: tructions on this page for how to play the game and then look through the pages that follow for the version for your computer. "—mzmmma Una Pi Missile!: TRS-80 version lo CLS ZO DIM Y(5),.F (5) Z0 N<] 40 PS—INTU(RND(OJa74]) JO P-INTU(RND(G) 876,45) 60 GOSUR 400 Za FOR I-PS TO lu STEH 4) LOSUB Zo TO F$—-INHKEY% lO JF Fg-»e» OH NM-3 THEN llo FiNM)-] 1ZO0 N<-N4] 150 FOR J-;, TO <3 1406 Res SET( 526 »45—-Y(J)) S0 IF Fi(J)-o OR Y(J) -45 160 VUJ S 10 ser (I,P) » MISSED" : SET (I4] udi IF POINT: OŽJI, 46-Y(J)) z RESI »F) How to play Missile! You have three missile bases,each capable of launching one missile. When you see a plane approaching, you must judge its height andspeed and fire your missiles at itoneby one. Your missiles are launched by pressing any key. The first time you press launches the left-hand one, second time the middle one and third time the right-hand one. See how many enemy planes you can shoot down. 320. RETURN AO FOR J-1 TO 410 SET €]«š2, 47) JgO0 SEL 4.]e 04], 47) 40 NEMI ga RE TLUIITA RI THEN 190 THEN 20 (I-PS«], Missile!: BBC version 10 pio VO JO 5oO 6O ZA go ?)( 1:9) 110 I ZO PI O 140 1] 50 160 l Z4 Il BO 1") OO MODE 5 VDU 23,224,224,160,144,144,143,128, 128, 255 VDU 23,2725,0,0,0,0,240,12,2,255 VDU 23,226,16,56, 84, 15,16,16,0,0 VDU 23,227,0,0,0, B,8,8,8,60 DIM Y4(5),F (5) N-1:MS-14 PS-RND(20)410 P-RND (500) 4400 PROCDISPLAY FOR I3 THEN 170 F (N) —TRUE N-N11 FOR J-1 TO 3 IF NOT F(J) THEN 240 PROCMISSILEC(J,O) Y (JI)