260 Ip W>0O The Wizard's Wall all the Wizard built to surround his secret stronghold is no ordinary ai Te stones in it are people, petrified by the Wizard's angry stare, and, ki what's more, it can move. If you can breaka hole through it with yourtrusty —. catapults which fling gigantic boulders, you will destroy the Wizard's H. magic powers and turn the stones back into people again. There are vy problems though - the Wizard is working on a spell which stops missilesin bu Š mid-air and sends them back where they came from. Sometimes he can a si makeitwork... ». If you don't succeed, you will become just another stone in the Wizard's — Wall!!! Za810 CLS ! 20 PRINT "WIZARD"'S WALL" 30 PRINT 40 PRINT "DO YOU MANT ANY HELP?" SO INPUT I$ 60 IF I$(1)<"y" THEN GOSUB 740 70 PRINT "DIFFICULTY?" BO PRINT "(S—EASY, iO AND H<9 THEN GOSUB 540 m z5O0 IF H<1i THEN PRINT "SHOT WAS TOD NEAR z60 IF H>8 THEN PRINT "SHOT WAS TOO FAR" knae370 IF RND>.2 THEN GOTO 200 380 PRINT "THE WALL HAS MOVED..." 390 NEXT C 400 PRINT "YOU HAVE BEEN TURNED" 410 PRINT "INTO STONE" 420 STOP kXuae43O0 FOR I50 THEN LET W(E(H) kmae570 IF RND>.5 AND 1 H<>1 THEN LET Wi mi kmae580 IF RND>.5 AND Nk k min H>5 AND H<8 THEN LET WCEKHti)-i1,Ht1)1 THEN GOTO 630 evo: et Y<2 TO 8 F RND<.5 T ZO, NEKI. V HEN LET W3(E(Y)-1, v)co 650 GOSUB 650 640 RETURN 660 LET Xz1 670 IF Wix na iš plednjadni Me Ji 9 OR x<8 THEN Goro 700 690 GOTO 670 700 LET E(X)