reacherous iceberg-strewn waters, vou become aware that an enemy hip is tailing you. Strangely it can letect you but not the icebergs, so pur best chance is to lure itinto tting one. Your computer will print a grid powing the position of your ship , the enemy (Z) and the icebergs '%. You can move one space North, puth, East or West each go. The nemy moves towards you by the nost direct route (it can move diagonally too). 1f you move into any bi the 8 positions surrounding the nemy, you will be captured, and if You hit an icebery you will sink. P Can you escape? 4 - , A zm bi 5 em 1 A "Iaemma RN % Puzzle corner Can you work out how to make the grid bigger? Now work out how to add more expression is or false. If the answer is false they give it the valne 0. Ifit