Supersonic Bomber You are on a lone supersonic bombing mission over the U.R.S. Your computer shows graphs of Robot populatica based on infrared photographs relayed to it by satellite. You only have time to attack one target in fve, so you must guickly select the one with the highest population of Robots How the program works Hb) 10 CLS 20 PRINT "SUPERSONIC BOMBER" tu 30 DIM B(5) TELO. kij: ga va ge: pok so FOR Bs10 TO 1 STEP - Ži« 70 FOR Isi TO 5 4xKEAOGO LET B(I)B(M) THEN LET MsiI 100 NEXT I 40110 CLS 120 FOR Ismi TD 5 LET I87INKEY$% si 10 pe I8<>»» THEN 30 Mi I | pse: >" TOO LATE" | 270 IF VALU 280 NEXT 8 290 PRINT "YOU HIT 300 PRINT "HIGH DENSTIY AH z, 310 IF. S<10 THEN PRINT "YOUYREU zo IF 8<10 THEN PRINT " TOUBH Z 30 STU KERIN OLA" ; Changing the speed of the game To give yourself more chance of Puzzle sea preszing a key each time, change the "taj last zumber in line 190 to a higher ome. Can you work out how to make the As your skill improves, computer more than S taryets lowering the number in line 190. Sow ooo intere . low can you go and stil win? v H