How the program works CLS Chooses PRINT "PIRATE DOGF IGHT" ne pr ri Tool jo LET V20 THEN GOTO 2530 CLS PRINT "YOU ARE "; IF SO THEN PRINT "AHEAD" IF SzO0 THEN PRINT "LEVEL" Checks the values of S and V PRINT "YOU ARE GOING "; and prints your position and IF V>O THEN PRINT "FASTER" oo ša rekel to tke plaš. IF V.7 THEN GOTO z20 < Z00 PRINT "YOU SHOT HIM DOWN" 310 GOTO 330 ' US20, PRINT "HE SHOT FIRST" Prints a message sa tka sozftečika teta How to make the game easier You may find this game guite difficult. To make it slightly easier, add these two lines. You will then be able to see the relative positions of the two planes printed on the screen. 195 IF ABS(S)>10 TMHEN GOTO 200 196 PRINT TAB(w/2) z "HIM" 197 PRINT TAB(Sew/2) z "YOU" Replace w with the width of your screen. . The random test in line 290 is loaded in your favour. How could you change it so your chances of winning are egual?