Escape! Puzzle corner Robots have caught you, taken your weapons and locked youup. Robot leniy you remember you still have your sonar wristwatch, which canbe Ne ia li to produce sounds of any freguency. If you can only find the resonant freguency. You re« of your Robot guards, they should vibrate so much they fallapirt. can't escape until you " You mast be careful not to use freguencies that are too low or the building NE have found all three. How will vibrate and collapse on top of you. If you go too high, you will get sucha MS could you change the rrible headache you will have to give up. program to do this? > Can you escape the horrors of the Robot prison? (Look carefully at the a MANE | | m for a cine to the range of freguencies to try.) K NA Sa» A, EVA | s0? 4010 CLS 20 PRINT "ESCAPE" and 100 for O LET F< INT (RND810011) om robota and puta it in F. 40 LET Lxzi Puts | in L and H. These are high - see lines 170-190 and 230-250. How to make the game harder Boginning of loop žo: paiii allows you to have $ turns. "GUESS? ", Change the Sinline 90toa 90 IF ABS(F-F1)<5 THEN GOTO 290 ume Checko if is lower number. This means otr. le to you have to get closer to F 290 to print IT. to win. You can also 100 IF F-F1>40 THEN GOTO pna ae PN ai aka increase the possible so low it io leno (han F by range of F by changing | more tkan 40. 100 in Hne 30 to a higher 110 IF Fi-F>40 THEN GOTO 230 to 230 if your guess is zumber. go ft ia moro than F by 120 PRINT "ND VISIBLE EFFECT" than 40 130 NEXT 6 140 PRINT "YOU TOOK TOO LONG." 150 PRINT "THE FREO. MAS "zF 160 STOP 170 IF Ls<2 THEN GOTO 210 180 PRINT "TOO LOW.. .CAREFUL" LET Ls2 240 PRINT "TODO HIGH... .OUCH" Z50 LET Ha2 260 GOTO 130 270 PRINT "YDUR HEAD ACHES - GIVE UP" ZBO0 STOP 290 PRINT "YOU"VE DONE IT" ihe above listing will work on a ZX31. For (ber computers, make the changes below. 010 HOME CA1O PRINT CHR8(147) MO3O LET FmINT(RND(1) 810011) 830 LET Fe INT(RND(0) 81001) pd m a ED NE oo NEO VE EP EP EI TEN JE pro sm ta za NE EE EN JE MEJA ma an anand NAKAR NR AREA NR: mu V du Monte —lj bo bomo m a va ! , - m — 4