4 J 24 j «! 5, 4 4 JU i k Ž i vi Z h Z me J 4 | 4 i : , l Fo 1 must act guickly. m NOE ot invaders of all kinds [f HM e s a approaching. You | 5 a ak ive plenty of weapons, $ | £ it for each type ofRobot | | — poi zu must select exactly 1 saj L h right one for it to have nu [O ny effect. — : ode symbols for each Sa S (m dt will flash uponyour JEVA ——, creen. Ouickly press the /3 s vy with that symbol on it K [KTM beware, some need the un a VU OM ft key too — and see how Im A Robot invadersyou (iii [rei ej sš — MI — How the program works PRINT "ROBOT INVADERS" LET Hso eta score to zero for start. ši gives you 25 gosa. Random delay. Selects numbers for across and down positions on other make the h ka040 Iwi TO INT(RND(i1) 8300:200) 040 FOR Isi TO INT(RND(O) 8300:200) XAa060,70 change RND to RND(1) 860,70 change RND to RND(O0) XA000 LET P$"" THEN GOTO 170 NEXT I PRINT "MISSED" 6GOTO 250 PRINT "A HIT" LET HsHrtri NEXT T CLS PRINT "YOU SCORED STOP u < H5 " / 251 zum Printu score after 25 goes. O NI sih Bi 4 « una umu LET P$127 THEN GET R$ era v corner Kad dangoross of na vi le only 10 points for any of the others? x; Hika Li RIH n.m Can you adjust the program so that you get 100 points for each of these and