ng is waging a fierce and dy battle against his dlilest enemy - the Traitor 1. You are one ofthe King's k bowmen and at this very jent you are crouching id the bushes outside the is Castle, shooting at his as they lift their heads above attlements. ir computer will print a row ining eight dots andaanO. uimber keys l to9 ipond to the position ofthe 0 fow. You have a short time š the correct key, and hit s " sla . in PRINT "TRAITOR'S CASTLE" LET Smo FOR Gsi TO 10 LET Rga"" LET TmiINT (RND89:1) FOR L»i TO 9 IF LaT THEN LET R$aR%e"0" IF L<>T TMEN LET R$aR9?". " NEXT L PRINT R8, FOR Isi TO 12 LET I$—INKEY% IF VAL("O0"I16)4T THEN GOTO 170 NEXT HI PRINT "MISSED" GOTO 190 PRINT "GOOD SHOT" LET S»$21 NEXT 6 1 40 140 150 160 180 190 PRINT "YOU MIT ",383"OUT OF 10" sroP 200 210 Ha The above listing will work on a ZX81. For other computers, make the changes below. m SO LET TmINT(RNDK(O) 871) Kf4A0SO LET TuJNTU(RND(1) 891) a 110 FOR Isi TO 200 Wi10 FOR Isi TO 60 AX0110 FOR I«si TD 90 0115 LET I[$6"" Setu your score to zero for start of game. Beginning of loop which gives you 10 goes. Sets up an empty string, RS. Selects a number and 9 and puta it in T. to ka T andi a dat ar ali ha oba. the right key. Jumps to | Notice how the scoring works in this program (lines 20 and 180). You could try adding this to other programa. HHIB Puzzle corner žan you change the program so that you get two kinds of target - either O (one of the Baron'a Ordinary soldleru) which is worth l point, or $ V epa Special branah) whlah lo worth $ before it disappears. ny of the Baron's men z hit? «4 z vami | ,120 LET IS»INKEY%(1) VW 2120 IF PEEK(-16384)2>127 THEN GET 1% 4120 GET 1% vrg NI ONIM .. rod