Meta kil a ud ba vane rami paru ni ti RUTA T Tat, K Desert Tank Battle . j S a ee g« - The last major stronghold of Robot forces outside the U.R.S" is hidden inancient ba " castle ruins in the middle of the desert. A fleet of desert hovertanks has beensent to destroy itand you are the commander. Your tank controls the five remaining 10 PRINT "DESERT TANK BATTLE" | missiles. XKRAO7O LET TSINT(RNDSI8BI)- Yo carefully the direction and elevation before you launch each How the program works This selects a whole number between —90 and 90 for the direction. an 1-90" (extreme right) and an elevation angle between 0" (along the ground)and aa | 90' (straight up in the air). The elevation determines the distance the missile will 40 FOR G<1 TO 5 you. 4 travel. 50 PRINT "DIRECTION (-90 TO 90) ?" čiei . bal d . 60 INPUT Ti your gueszes and puts " zda Is your aim good enough to destroy the robot stronghold? 70 PRINT "ELEVATION (O TO 90) ?" them in A and B. Mbv > BO INPUT B E... AT, Uses your elevation angle to vne | b;., 90 LET D1T THEN PRINT "AND "; om Decides lavi " 150 IF D-D1>.O5 THEN PRINT "NOT FAR ENOUGH" ; 160 IF Di-D>.05 THEN PRINT "TOO FAR"; 170 PRINT too long or short. 180 NEXT G 190 PRINT "DISASTER - YOU FAILED" 200 PRINT "RETREAT IN DISGRACE" "JE ratata tt onda. 210 STOP k | ki uka > 220 PRINT "SKABOOOMMM" Učne, - di 230 PRINT "YOU"VE DONE IT" Prints if you win. Ra "a 240 STOP 8 m di rana oz The above listing will work on a ZX81. For other computers, make the changes below J KAOS IEI FT INI(KNDLII 8181) -90 U2O LET | INI(RNDIOD$SIBIS Yo KA03O LET D — - s". s — -—.. z —nm —— -—. -- — ——mm